New Edition Coming 

15-16 October 2025

Notified Body Increased Capacity

Unlocking the Future of Healthcare with NoBoCap

Empowering the MedTech industry by enhancing the efficiency of Notified Bodies and Market Operators, unlocking regulations, and fostering health technology innovation across Europe.

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About us

NoBoCap project – a groundbreaking initiative under the wings of the EU4Health Programme. We are committed to fostering a conducive environment for swift and efficient advancement in the Medical Technology (MedTech) sector.

Our mission is to bridge the gap between Notified Bodies (NBs), the Medical Device Industry (MDI), Market Operators (MOs), and other players streamlining the complex process of dossier submissions, reviews, and approvals. By increasing accessibility and enhancing capacities, we’re working to ensure that innovative health solutions can reach the market more swiftly and efficiently.

Advantages of Collaborating with NoBoCap community of Clusters, Innovation Hubs & Partners

Join us to be at the forefront of the MedTech revolution. Through our targeted training and dedication to emerging technologies, we stay ahead of the curve, ensuring our partners do the same.

We foster growth by facilitating meaningful connections. With our matchmaking platform, we link Market Operators and Notified Bodies based on competencies and availability, driving efficiency and success.

We empower all stakeholders in the MedTech landscape. From improving dossier submissions to reducing administrative overhead and optimizing regulatory pathways, we stive that your innovative solutions reach the market swiftly.

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Core project activities

Short and Long-term Trainings

High-priority topics for both new recruits and specialist workforce in NBs and Market Operators (MOs), coaching and internship sessions

NoBoCap Matchmaking Platform

NoBoCap matchmaking platform that connects MOs with the appropriate NBs

NoBoCap Community of Clusters, Innovation Hubs & Partners

A better insight into new and emerging technologies and their impact on MDR and IVDR regulatory requirements

Expected project output

Increased number of personnel working in NBs

Increase in employment pipeline of professionals for NBs

One new NB approved

Increased Market Operators competence in implementing MDR and IVDR

NoBoCap Matchmaking Platform

NoBoCap Community of Clusters, Innovation Hubs & Partners

36 months duration

11 partners

€4,6m total estimated budget

In partnership with