Disclaimer – The repository of the EU Regulatory support provides a non-exhaustive list of organizations that provide support in the field of the European regulations MDR/IVDR. The organisations that are listed are those that the NOBOCAP consortium became aware of using desk research or by a request of the organization itself. No selection criteria apply nor does any quality check apply. Nobocap does not take any accountability for the accuracy of the data provided but seeks to offer an overview of organisations that might be contacted. Of this repository, several organizations are members or knowledge-know-how partners of our community to unlock the EU regulations (see https://nobocap.eu/nobocap-membership/). This listing is free of charge at all times. At all times organizations can decide if they want to be delisted.
Company name/ Initative name
Short description of services
DM Experts SAS
DM Experts SAS specializes in EU-regulation related services, offering training on MDR and IVDR (available through e-learning, live sessions, or on-site training) as well as other topics such as sterilization and artificial intelligence. Additionally, the company provides regulatory and standards intelligence through a monthly newsletter and consulting services.

Dr. Alan Crofts
Dr. Alan Crofts provides EU-regulation related services quality guidance and control (pharmaceuticals and medical devices), regulatory and procedural guidelines, Eu pharma law, health technology appraisals (data synthesis and cost/benefit modeling).
HQ Vector
HQ Vector specializes in quality management and regulatory compliance, focusing on digital technology integration and sustainable growth strategies.
MDR Regulator
MDR Regulator offers consulting and clinical trial services to help medical device and IVD manufacturers introduce their products into European markets.

Verstappen MedTech Consulting BV
Verstappen MedTech Consulting BV provides EU-regulation related services: MDR, IVDR, ISO 13485:2016, resolving compliance issues with regulators, quality Regulatory and HTA advice.